
In a world of...
Role playing
Playing make believe 
Believe me
Who is that
To whom do I belong
Longing for a simpler time
Time gets away so fast
Fast times and fewer friends
Who are my friends
What do I mean to them
Am I valuable 
What is my value
Who am I without them
I keep getting lost
Buried in stuff
My stuff
Their stuff
Too much stuff
I need to change stuff
Prioritize stuff
Good stuff 
Creative stuff
Get rid of stuff
That no longer fits me
Embrace a new me 
Like a Ferris wheel
At the bottom
Rising to the top
The view gets clearer
I can see things clearer
I don’t want to come down
But I have to face it
It has to face me
I can do this 
I was born to do this
I am a survivor 
I am a winner
I just need to get rid of stuff

Dawny B ❤️
